Love at First Sight

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SKU: KF1029920

The bay quarter horse in Love at First Sight is very similar to my first horse Dixie. I arrived home from school one day, and what a complete surprise to find a horse in the pasture with the cows and ponies! No shopping, scouting, or searching—she simply appeared. My parents had apparently decided I had earned the right to hold the reins.

Although I’d loved my ponies, equestrians know that Shetlands are stubborn and unpredictable. Therefore, after the challenge of breeding, raising, and training Shetland ponies, Dixie was a welcome sight.

I approached the beautiful blood bay in the pasture, and it was love at first sight. This mare would have my total devotion and she carried me through my high school and college years.

Love at First Sight

$14.99 $0.00
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SKU: KF1029920
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The bay quarter horse in Love at First Sight is very similar to my first horse Dixie. I arrived home from school one day, and what a complete surprise to find a horse in the pasture with the cows and ponies! No shopping, scouting, or searching—she simply appeared. My parents had apparently decided I had earned the right to hold the reins.

Although I’d loved my ponies, equestrians know that Shetlands are stubborn and unpredictable. Therefore, after the challenge of breeding, raising, and training Shetland ponies, Dixie was a welcome sight.

I approached the beautiful blood bay in the pasture, and it was love at first sight. This mare would have my total devotion and she carried me through my high school and college years.